All posts by From the Archives

Adversity Breeds Opportunity

I read a really great article in Worthwhile Magazine the other day.

Its the story of Christine Clifford, a cancer survivor that made a pretty extreme career turnaround.
Here are some tips she offered that got her through it.

  • Start as soon as you can.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Talk about your fears.
  • Do a reality check on your fears. Ask, “What’s the worst that can happen?”
  • Motivate yourself with reachable goals.
  • Don’t underestimate the need for hard work.
  • Don’t forget to laugh.

Take a Smart Risk Week

Now is the perfect time to examine what risks you’ve taken and the results you achieved. More important, use this time to determine how you can improve your ability to take risks that have the best chance of success.

That being said I will give you one of my all time favorite movie quotes.
“a life lived in fear is a life half lived” – Strictly Ballroom

So, what did I learn this week?

  • OK, so I broke the lawn hog last week. Since it hasn’t been 30 days since I purchased it, I will have to drive it back to the outlet mall to have it replaced. I don’t know exactly how I broke it or if it was me that broke it. All I know if that a piece broke off of the mulching apparatus.
  • It is really important to check up on your friends. Sometimes they get stuck in a rut and end up going into hiding.
  • SquirrelMail has a lot of cool plug ins.


  • Website: I am still working on the redesign. Every few pages in “Zen and the Art of CSS Design” I make yet another discovery of how to make my site and others I have created stronger. I am also in the process of researching the webmaster certification process. Is it necessary? How much will it cost? How much of my time will it suck away?
  • Sewing: I haven’t really done much this week. I think that I sewed a button on a shirt.
  • Job#12: Back on the search. I have a few good leads. I overhauled the resume this weekend. I went with the “functional” resume vs chronological. I have had a lot of jobs and the chronological resume made it look like I am some sort of job hopping freak. The functional resume focuses on the fact that while I have had 11 jobs, they are all focusing on the same few skills.
  • Yard: I remembered to go out and water my new plants and the grass experiment every day. Things are looking good.