Time is money

Time is money guys.  There’s the time it takes for me to work on things, the time it takes to meet with a client on things, and the time I could have been working on other things. There is also the time spent thinking about client things when I should be relaxing (I call that failure to unplug)

Lately, managing my time is like a cross between Tetris and Jenga.  Tetris, as I attempt to fit all of the client meetings and other work things into my already crazy google calendar.  Jenga, as I get cancellations and requests for rescheduling.  It’s great when I have enough notice, and I can reschedule something in that empty space, but most of the time, moving all the stuff around on short notice leads to an upset  in the system and I don’t end up with enough billable hours for the month.

One work around for this is to charge a cancellation fee based on when the cancellation was made.  The closer the cancellation to the appointment, the more the business may charge.  Right now, we happen to be in the thick of flu season.  Do I charge the two clients that cancelled?  One notified me a day in advance, the other missed her appointment completely.  Does it mean anything if this is the second time I’ve had to reschedule for the client cancelling in advance?



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