Big Pmp-ing

Yes, I have been gone for a while. I have been regrouping (…more on that later)

So this last week I attended the Ultimate PMP Exam prep Course. A one week intensive geared towards learning the oh-so-complicated PMBOK and taking (and passing) the PMP exam.

Why, you ask? Well, I have long debated going back to school to get an MBA with a focus on Planning vs getting a PMP from the Project Management Institute.

PMP won! After 4 years of keeping my seat warm I have accrued enough project management hours to fill out the application. Work paid for the training and the test (BTW I highly recommend the training provider of the course I attended).

I will be in study mode for the next week. I am scheduled to take the exam on Friday.

Stay tuned…

Out with the old in with…

…something slightly different.

During our team retreat, my boss asked each of us what our goal for 2008 was. The best answer was from one of my self-appointed mentors. She said that she wanted to find her motivation. I guess the same goes for me on this site. Why should I keep going? You know I don’t really care if anyone out there is reading this.

I thought about switching gears completely. I went as far as Googling “blog ideas” and came up with this list. The fact that I went there, depressed me. No worries, I didn’t click on anything.

Since the beginning I was focused on things I’ve learned and things I am doing. I never really focused on what I want to do. In the effort to keep myself on track, I think that should be the focus. I haven’t decided the frequency of my updates. I am thinking that Sunday morning would be convenient for me.

The other sites will be maintained on there usual sporadic basis. Whenever and whatever.

Your content provider – Jen

Minority Enterprise Development Week

I recently thanked my mom and dad for raising me and my sister to be the adaptive people that we are. Some people just don’t have what it takes to “make it happen.” I may not be book smart but I often appear to be. It’s because I can think fast on my feet and I am not afraid to go in search of answers. There is a downside to this fast thinking, make it happen ability. I am pretty stubborn and impatient.

What did I learn this past week?

  • Guitar Lesson #4: I learned how to re-string a guitar, more scales, and how to use a pick.
  • The PCL has the back issues of Threads Magazine that I need to finish my research project.
  • I sat through most of a football game on Saturday. I was reminded why I don’t really like football. The game takes FOREVER. The upside was meeting some new people.


  • Sewing: I am still working on those board shorts. The carpenter pants are done. I was drafted to make tournament grade beanhole bags. I need to get back to the suit project that I abandoned.
  • Spinsta: Still working on that class curriculum
  • Websites: Does redesigning my myspace page count?
  • Soul Cleansing: I have given up on my quest to be less bitchy at work. I am going to try and focus on the tollerance challenge. It is way more important.

making things happen